

After all you’ve read on here you want your own set of polyhedral dice?
In that case you’re on the perfect site for ordering a commissional work from Vulpes Creative Arts!

If you purchase a custom order, please stay in contact with me during the process.
In this way we can talk directly about your wishes and ideas to recieve the optimal results.

Please be aware, that due to the numbers of open orders I recieve in each month, it may take some time to accept and work on your order. – But in either case I’ll notify you about that personally!


To get a first glimpse of your special wishes and the subject you want to order, please fill in the form sheet down below.

Afterwards I’ll reach out to you via your specified contact option.
You can contact me as well via direct messages on my Instagram.


Things that would be helpful to mention:

  • Which variation/amount of dice do you want?
    – A standard 7-piece Set (decide between: crystal d4 or casual d4 & d6 with or without my logo as “6”)
    – A 10-piece Set (standard set inclusive a second d6, one d4 crystal + casual d4 & an additional d2)
    – A chunky (= big) d20 (~40mm)
    – Single dice or other combinations
  • Do you already know which kind of style you want your commission to be?
    – Methods (dirty pour, petri method, liquid-core dice, …)
    – Inlays and/or colour wishes
    – Inspirations based on characterdesigns
    – Surprise design

–> If you wonder what I’m talking about, do not worry!

Together we’ll find your style. I’ll describe and explain all these things to you, once you’ve reached out to me!



What kind of order do you want to purchase? What is the topic?
Tell me your thoughts and ideas! 🙂 How do you want to customize your order? What is important to you? Is the purpose important for me?

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